Friday 13 February 2009


Neil in London/Delhi

"Bell has gone", I feel this was a formality.
I think the humiliating defeat, gave England the perfect opportunity to blood arguably the most exciting new talent in English Cricket - Adil Rashid.

The question that needs answering, is "Why have we taken him on this tour?"
If it is with one eye on the Ashes, how do we expect him to have gained any worth while experience at this level before then?

Admittedly England do not want another "Chris Scofield situation" but surely a month of carrying drinks doesnt do the boy much good either.

It would be good to hear other's views on this topic?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright Neil I'm feeling your thoughts man....

"It's time for a change. I would pick Rashid, I think he presents England with an exciting option ahead of the Ashes," Chris Adams of Yorkshire CCC told BBC London 94.9.